Jan 2, 2008

Banjar, Jawa Barat,Indonesia, Juni 1969

Indonesia has a few cases of little men, like the Bunian, but no network where stories are recorded and passed on to western UFO community. For instance, in June 1969, a 27-year-old man, Machpud, met a 'beautiful but strange woman' in Bandjar, Western Java. She led him to her 'house'. This had one big room that had a perculiar 'abundance of light'. The woman made it clear she wanted sex and the witness recalled lossing consciousness and being found in a trance by a walker in the Gunung Babakar forest. Machpud was naked and his clothes were up a tree. There is little doubt how many words in this story could be substituted in our language by 'UFO', 'alien', 'taking a sperm sample' and so on.

by betaufo