Jan 7, 2008

Further Speculations on the Nature of UFOs

French astrophysicist, computer scientist and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee first formulated the hypothesis that UFOs represented projections from the human mind-brain. Vallee's thesis rested on the premise that humans are not really aware of what they are doing.
This leaves open the possibility that each human is the unwitting 'author' of a UFO event. This is why the conceivable “meta-cosmic” origin of UFOs needs to be understood.I first began to take this seriously after publishing a 1980 paper on a UFO report submitted to me, or what I then called 'transient optical phenomenon of the atmosphere'. I was enticed, in the wake of this, to look more closely at the total frequency of such sightings around the world. When I discovered there were an average of 10,000 each year, I realized these could not all be 'intelligent craft from other planets'. It was incredible, in my estimation, to have 10,000 (or more) interstellar craft from maybe a thousand other planets, visiting us each and every year!

The problem with the projection hypothesis resides in ascertaining where the underlying energy originates. Clearly, UFOs are not merely 'images' or mass hallucinations, but manifestations of light, heat and even electromagnetic waves (since they also show up on radar screens). The question: How can projections - ostensibly of the human mind-brain, become endowed with substantial physical energy that registers on detectors?

In order for this to be possible, the brain must possess the capacity of an enormously powerful transducer.
Consider: the brain is a three pound repository of chemical and electrical energy. The latter, for example, can be measured on a special device known as an EEG (electro-encephalogram) which can pick up the telltale brainwaves. But how can this low-level electric energy be converted into the enormous energy that appears to emanate from typical UFOs?

Somehow a dramatic amplification of the low-level energy occurs, coupled with a change in the form of the energy. (For example, from electrical to heat or to light).
Presently, there is only one way for this to occur. It has to do with very tiny structures within the brain’s neurons called “microtubules” and how they function in conjunction with a newly discovered form of matter called bosons. Some have conjectured that a Bose-Einstein condensate forms in brain microtubules when particles called Goldstone Bosons become locked into a single coherent state. In this situation, an amplification of energy occurs in the brain's electrical system. This becomes convertible to other forms.

Now, imagine an "alien" brain thousands of years more advanced than our own, and perhaps using 99% of its potential as opposed to barely 2%.
In this respect, it is conceivable that the alien brain's microtubules might act as a kind of electro-magnetic waveguide.. The Goldstone bosons undergo a phase transition (change of state) in the brain. They then propagate outward from the brain as powerfully amplified electromagnetic (EM) waves, but driven by the nonlocal quantum potential first described by David Bohm. Certain calculations using the Planck length (10^-33 cm) suggest that ample energy exists to explain the apparent energetic UFOs that appear as luminous discs, or leave radiating patches on the ground.

So what exactly what might the UFOs be? Ultimately, pure zero-point energy emanating from a brain that is integrated with the "vehicle" denoted "UFO". That is, energy, but not constrained or limited by the sort of mechanical-chemical constraints and laws to which cosmic energy is naturally subject. This energy, calculated using the energy-time uncertainty relation, is virtual energy. For example, all cosmic energy is constrained to obey the law of conservation of mass-energy. Whatever quantity of energy appears (say in a nuclear fusion or fission reaction) cannot exceed the value of whatever mass difference made it available, multiplied by the speed of light squared. Virtual energy, by contrast, can violate this principle for limited durations of time (at least in the cosmic realm), but leave enduring effects in its wake.
Further, cosmic energy is subject to degradation (entropy increases) since it is used again and again.

Not so with zero-point energy. If UFOs are governed by prosaic energy-mass, they would degrade in quality over time. The observed energy density, say as photons contributing to their brightness, would diminish (due to photon wavelengths being lengthened toward longer (low energy) regions of the spectrum. A zero-point or virtual energy source does the opposite, maybe even brightening over time.
In addition, while ordinary mass-energy is interwoven in the 4-dimensional space-time continuum, zero-point energy is hyperdimensional. (See Bohm;s point on this as related to his “implicate order” in his book, ‘Wholeness and The Implicate Order’, p. 191) In this regard, the 4-D space-time continuum arises as a construct from the essential interchangeability of mass and energy through Einstein's famous equation: m = E/c2. This is the core concept of Near-Reality energy. By contrast, hyperdiemsional or “far reality” energy is derived from the quantum potential and the Dirac Ether - and is essentially infinite[1], for any scale size approaching the Planck Length LP. This means that the mass-energy link (defined by the Einstein equation) is not a necessary condition of virtual energy. The preceding features are important facets of UFO behavior to grasp. One of the most interesting is the apparent deformation of shape that UFOs undergo, including disappearance.

Thus, a highly elongated UFO is observed to progressively contract until it becomes a point, then vanishes. In the context of Near-reality predicated on prosaic mass-energy and 4D space-time, this simply does not compute. Certainly, in the same frame of reference, clocks and measuring yards remain constant and not slow down, or shrink.
UFOs clearly are not in our frame of reference, though they appear to be. In fact, UFOs cannot exist in what we call space-time. As emanations of metacosmic or Dirac (zero-point) energy, the UFO shares the hyperdimensionality peculiar to certain D-branes, for example. The specific dimensionality depends on a number of factors, including: the Bose-Einstein condensate which gave rise to it, and the consciousness on which that is contingent.

by www.thesupernaturalworld.co.uk