"Is It Flesh, Human Flesh"
Before you read this please go with the flow as some of it will sound totally unbelievable but although it may sound strange, it is how it happened. As you will read, I am going to tell you about the kind of person I am because I don't want to hide anything and it's important that the readers have all the facts. Again, if you feel I'm sensationalising or dramatising an area or making up a whole pack of lies then so be it.
I'm aware that what the following discloses about me could be damming to the credibility of this story but I do it to show that I am not deceiving anyone. As it has been a long time since my experience some details will be hazy and some small additions may have been made, as it is human to embellish over such a period of time. It is these parts that I will highlight and make it known that I am being honest.
Finally people's names involved will be changed as a legal requirement but in order to be truthful I may offend some of your readers but that is certainly not my intention.
My name is Mark; I'm 34 years old and live in South England. My personality consists of a mixture of extrovert, Communicator, Creative, Caring, sensitive, Idealist, humorous, confrontational, honest and open-minded person. I'm registered disabled and have had a religious upbringing which I haven't followed for along time. I do believe in God however.
The story I'm about to tell is one that has stayed with me all of fifteen years. My outlook, ambitions and hopes are all shaped by what happened in the summer of 1987 and it is now that I feel I can come forward and tell my story on a web site such as this (my story did appear however in the Alien Encounters magazine Sep 1996).
As I have mentioned previously I am disabled with Arthritis and it forced me to abandon my then current business and to seek a new career. I was sent to a Rehabilitation centre for assessment at Garston, Watford. It was there that I ended up in the computing section of the course and it was there that I stayed. At the end of the day we used to get on a coach that would take us to a hostel in Letchworh, Hertfordshire. We stayed there for the week and went home for the weekends.
As with all group experiences, associations were struck up in the subsidized bar on the hostel complex accommodation. I for one got on with everybody, the atmosphere was great and at the age of 20 my life could not have been simpler.
There was one person that I got on with that felt different from the rest. His name was Steve . I felt an incredible empathy with him and as the weeks went on we grew closer and closer both sharing the same sense of humour and interests it seemed. Most letchworth evenings were spent going out to the swimming pool or to the movies and it seemed that we were going to have an amazing friendship. This continued until one night after going to see the film "Personal Services" (Julie Walters film) we were walking ahead of some girls that we took with us. As we came up to the park bench outside the road before the hostel Steve pulled me to one side and said there was something very important he had to tell me (I found this very strange). He started by asking if I believed in people that had powers of supernatural sight or psychics. I said I didn't know so he proceeded to tell me things only I would personally know, certainly not information that I would of shared with a friend (personal details about my mother, brother and his life). I naturally was taken aback by all of this but at the time this only added to our friendship.
Steve had started on the course before me so he obviously finished earlier. We agreed we would keep in touch and meet up from time to time and there was a chance that he was planning a holiday but at that time nothing was definite. When the course was near completion I spent about two weeks in a Job Club that was actually in the building. Quite unusual for me I started reading my stars in a well-known newspaper. Most days the predictions would be totally open to interpretation but one day all it would say under Leo is get ready for August 13. The consecutive days also included this revelation so naturally I was very interested in it's outcome.
That day arrived and in the morning I received a phone call and was told to answer it at the main office. In the office I was handed the receiver and a very official voice answered on the other end. The man in question was an officer of the law and he brought to my attention that on a recent Saturday he and his colleague had chased me through our back alleys (at the time I was giving a friend of mine a pinion ride on my Motorbike but I was a learner so hence the chase). As this was true I promptly owned up only to hear a laugh on the other end of the line. Yes, it was Steve posing as the aforementioned policeman. The extraordinary thing was that I had never told him the story of the bike chase and he had simply read my mind. He proceeded to invite me away on holiday with him and, although very cautious about his strange powers, I decided to go for it.
A couple of weeks later, I scraped up £60 and took the train to Steve's house where I waited outside all day until he turned up that evening in a brand new Fiesta car. I slept in the spare room and we left first thing in the morning for Brixham, Devon.
On arrival at the campsite, we checked in and pitched the tent. It turned out the tent had no ground sheet and only one double air bed which I said I should have as I was a guest and I was also disabled (the damp affects my joints). Steve said that he wanted the bed and, reluctantly, I agreed to share with him, in separate sleeping bags (we were both heterosexual), as I wasn't prepared to sleep on the bare ground.
Every night, at around 1 or 2 o'clock, Steve would wake up, unzip the bedrooms and kneel down in the living space, speaking to himself and chanting. Me being half asleep, thinking he must be a bit eccentric, thought nothing much more of it and would go back to sleep.
We spent most days hanging around coves and beaches e.t.c., and I spent a lot of time in the sea. We also travelled down to Cornwall for a few days looking around and generally having a laugh. Suddenly the situation changed and we began not to get on, spending more and more of the time apart. When I asked him where he had been during the day, he would never tell me. I phoned my parents to let them know the situation and my father said that he'd come down and pick me up. But, to save face, I decided to grin and bear it and stay down there with Steve who, by this time, I had grown to dislike and he indeed felt likewise of me.
One evening in particular stands in my memory. Steve got up in the middle of the night as usual and did his usual chanting which woke me up more than normal and he then went back to sleep as I did. I then had a most vivid dream. I dreamt I was standing in a very damp, dark place and to my left, stood a row of figures. They had greeny grey scales and a band going across their shoulders. I grabbed hold of one of the arms and said, "Is this flesh, human flesh?" I was awoken abruptly by Steve whose arm I had hold of. He pushed my head and basically told me to get off. I could not believe what was going on and I felt totally shocked.
The following morning, he invited me to have tea with his aunt and uncle (I didn't understand his slight change of heart) who lived in Plymouth. We got in the car, arguing along the way about my family (I can remember telling him to get out of my head). Finally we arrived at his aunt's house where we had a meal. His relations seemed very nice people. That evening, we drove them to a local pub for a drink (we both had soft drinks as he was driving), and then dropped them off back home. Steve then began the drive back to the campsite. As we argued, which was commonplace by now on this holiday, Steve said that he was going to make a detour to which I just said that I really didn't care. He eventually pulls up outside a church and as I sat reclined in the passenger seat, he gets out of the car and by this time it must of been around 12.30 am. As I look through the driver's window, I could see Steve kneeling down beside a gravestone. All I can say is that I felt very unsure of my own safety because of all that was going on. Steve then ran over to the car and squatted down by the driver's door. He said," You know I'm psychic! Well I get my information from the man buried there. Something big is going to happen tonight and we've been told to get out of here." I just wondered what the hell he was going on about. He then gets back in the car and we drive off.
I laid back in the recliner (reclined passenger seat), frightened. After driving around for what seemed ages, it appeared we were lost. Steve told me to get out the ordnance survey map and, when I looked on the relevant page, the topography of the land did not match up with what we had on the map. Basically, the place we were at didn't seem to exist on the map. We stopped the car on a hill that overlooked a valley banked at both sides with steep hills. On my left (remember I'm sitting in the passenger seat) out of the window was a hedge about 7 feet tall and to the right of the car was a 3-foot hedge that sat on the edge of the drop into the valley. Visibility was good (Lateral visibility) even though a fine mist sat above us. A full moon allowed enough light to see about 2 miles in the distance. (Time about 1.30am.) Steve decides to get out of the car, which I didn't question as we weren't getting on. He stood looking down in the valley. I was getting more and more worried again. Suddenly he drops to his knees and starts chanting.
I was trying to work out how to drive the car off if anything else strange happened, trying to work out all the controls on the control panel in case I needed a quick getaway (I didn't know how to drive then).
(The noise I heard next was one of the loudest things I have ever heard, resembling feedback on an amp, but deeper like a sign wave with a low register).
I felt completely shocked at this bolt out of the blue so to speak, and the fear of the unknown was like nothing I have ever experienced before or since. What frightened me even more was Steve who was, by now, literally screaming. Just as suddenly as the sound appeared, it disappeared again. Steve sprung up and dived in to the driver's seat of the car. I asked him "What the **** was that?", and he just said "There here", and he kept repeating this over and over.
The complete fear that took over his face was terrifying. The sound then began over again and the car began shaking also. Down in the valley, and I'm sorry if it sounds clichéd, but a disc rose out of one of the patchwork fields. It was approximately 20 feet in diameter although I cannot be completely sure. Its surface shone a luminescent green, which consisted of a substance rather like molten rock. It wasn't static but seemed to be animated. On looking closely, I seemed to be able to focus on parts of it and then I, just as quickly, lost focus of it, as though it were solid and liquid at the same time. Then it simply disappeared into the ground.
We were left in complete silence. Steve attempted to start the car up but he was completely freaked out by what had just happened. The car wouldn't start at all. Then, to my horror, the disc came back out of the ground yet again and the sound followed. The craft moved from the right to the centre and then from the centre to the left and back again in a very controlled manner, floating just above the ground. It then made the same manoeuvre again, moving from the centre to the right, just like a bullet and with no inertia at all. From the right, it then moved to the left, again with no apparent acceleration or deceleration. After that manoeuvre, it started to rise up the hill we were perched on moving from one field to the next.
The sound increased as it came towards us. By this time it was about 3 fields away from us. Then the most incredible sight of the whole experience happened. Just as it began entering another field, 2 trees lay in its path, both of which were higher than the hedge that divided the fields. As the disc approached the trees, we watched as it passed through them as though the disc was made of a non-solid material. The trees were unharmed by this experience but both Steve and myself were mortified.
As the disc rose closer it went out of view for a minute but we both knew it was on its way up to us as a green light started to show through the hedge to our right which, in turn, threw light into the car. I'm not sure what Steve was doing at this point but I was fixed on the rear view mirror and it would be safe to say that I had never been so scared in my whole life.
The whole car had steamed up by this point and I could see the disc appear about 50 feet behind us on the road. I turned to Steve and could see only extreme anguish on his face. The car finally started and Steve engaged drive, thrashing the hell out of the car, the disc following us behind. Then it simply left the road and disappeared.
We drove what seemed to be a very short distance, then turned the corner and we were just outside the campsite. By this time it had started to get light and Steve stopped the car outside the site. It was amazing that we had lost so much time with such a short experience. Steve began to tell me things. After this point, I have to admit that things are slightly vague in my mind. He said that they had been visiting us for a long time and that some people call them aliens, some people call them demons, angels, leprechauns and some people call them little green men and he said that they would soon be making themselves known. He told me there was a god and when I asked them what do they want all he would tell me was that they were bad but, as I said before, I find this part of the story very difficult to remember. He also said that they give him the power of sight in return for something, which I can't quite remember. As it was getting lighter, we pulled into the campsite, dropped the tent, packed up and drove back out. As we were leaving, I couldn't see the opening where we had come out after our encounter. There was no offshoot road there at all.
I asked Steve as we got nearer to where he lived to drop me off at the train station. We didn't say much. We didn't have to- we just went our separate ways.
Since 1987 I haven't spoken or seen anything of Steve, and sometimes I wish we could of met up again but, on the other hand, I'm terrified of the whole thing starting up again. To this day I'm still frightened but I feel a strange readiness for the things to come.
Here is an image Mark White made to show what he saw.

Before you read this please go with the flow as some of it will sound totally unbelievable but although it may sound strange, it is how it happened. As you will read, I am going to tell you about the kind of person I am because I don't want to hide anything and it's important that the readers have all the facts. Again, if you feel I'm sensationalising or dramatising an area or making up a whole pack of lies then so be it.
I'm aware that what the following discloses about me could be damming to the credibility of this story but I do it to show that I am not deceiving anyone. As it has been a long time since my experience some details will be hazy and some small additions may have been made, as it is human to embellish over such a period of time. It is these parts that I will highlight and make it known that I am being honest.
Finally people's names involved will be changed as a legal requirement but in order to be truthful I may offend some of your readers but that is certainly not my intention.
My name is Mark; I'm 34 years old and live in South England. My personality consists of a mixture of extrovert, Communicator, Creative, Caring, sensitive, Idealist, humorous, confrontational, honest and open-minded person. I'm registered disabled and have had a religious upbringing which I haven't followed for along time. I do believe in God however.
The story I'm about to tell is one that has stayed with me all of fifteen years. My outlook, ambitions and hopes are all shaped by what happened in the summer of 1987 and it is now that I feel I can come forward and tell my story on a web site such as this (my story did appear however in the Alien Encounters magazine Sep 1996).
As I have mentioned previously I am disabled with Arthritis and it forced me to abandon my then current business and to seek a new career. I was sent to a Rehabilitation centre for assessment at Garston, Watford. It was there that I ended up in the computing section of the course and it was there that I stayed. At the end of the day we used to get on a coach that would take us to a hostel in Letchworh, Hertfordshire. We stayed there for the week and went home for the weekends.
As with all group experiences, associations were struck up in the subsidized bar on the hostel complex accommodation. I for one got on with everybody, the atmosphere was great and at the age of 20 my life could not have been simpler.
There was one person that I got on with that felt different from the rest. His name was Steve . I felt an incredible empathy with him and as the weeks went on we grew closer and closer both sharing the same sense of humour and interests it seemed. Most letchworth evenings were spent going out to the swimming pool or to the movies and it seemed that we were going to have an amazing friendship. This continued until one night after going to see the film "Personal Services" (Julie Walters film) we were walking ahead of some girls that we took with us. As we came up to the park bench outside the road before the hostel Steve pulled me to one side and said there was something very important he had to tell me (I found this very strange). He started by asking if I believed in people that had powers of supernatural sight or psychics. I said I didn't know so he proceeded to tell me things only I would personally know, certainly not information that I would of shared with a friend (personal details about my mother, brother and his life). I naturally was taken aback by all of this but at the time this only added to our friendship.
Steve had started on the course before me so he obviously finished earlier. We agreed we would keep in touch and meet up from time to time and there was a chance that he was planning a holiday but at that time nothing was definite. When the course was near completion I spent about two weeks in a Job Club that was actually in the building. Quite unusual for me I started reading my stars in a well-known newspaper. Most days the predictions would be totally open to interpretation but one day all it would say under Leo is get ready for August 13. The consecutive days also included this revelation so naturally I was very interested in it's outcome.
That day arrived and in the morning I received a phone call and was told to answer it at the main office. In the office I was handed the receiver and a very official voice answered on the other end. The man in question was an officer of the law and he brought to my attention that on a recent Saturday he and his colleague had chased me through our back alleys (at the time I was giving a friend of mine a pinion ride on my Motorbike but I was a learner so hence the chase). As this was true I promptly owned up only to hear a laugh on the other end of the line. Yes, it was Steve posing as the aforementioned policeman. The extraordinary thing was that I had never told him the story of the bike chase and he had simply read my mind. He proceeded to invite me away on holiday with him and, although very cautious about his strange powers, I decided to go for it.
A couple of weeks later, I scraped up £60 and took the train to Steve's house where I waited outside all day until he turned up that evening in a brand new Fiesta car. I slept in the spare room and we left first thing in the morning for Brixham, Devon.
On arrival at the campsite, we checked in and pitched the tent. It turned out the tent had no ground sheet and only one double air bed which I said I should have as I was a guest and I was also disabled (the damp affects my joints). Steve said that he wanted the bed and, reluctantly, I agreed to share with him, in separate sleeping bags (we were both heterosexual), as I wasn't prepared to sleep on the bare ground.
Every night, at around 1 or 2 o'clock, Steve would wake up, unzip the bedrooms and kneel down in the living space, speaking to himself and chanting. Me being half asleep, thinking he must be a bit eccentric, thought nothing much more of it and would go back to sleep.
We spent most days hanging around coves and beaches e.t.c., and I spent a lot of time in the sea. We also travelled down to Cornwall for a few days looking around and generally having a laugh. Suddenly the situation changed and we began not to get on, spending more and more of the time apart. When I asked him where he had been during the day, he would never tell me. I phoned my parents to let them know the situation and my father said that he'd come down and pick me up. But, to save face, I decided to grin and bear it and stay down there with Steve who, by this time, I had grown to dislike and he indeed felt likewise of me.
One evening in particular stands in my memory. Steve got up in the middle of the night as usual and did his usual chanting which woke me up more than normal and he then went back to sleep as I did. I then had a most vivid dream. I dreamt I was standing in a very damp, dark place and to my left, stood a row of figures. They had greeny grey scales and a band going across their shoulders. I grabbed hold of one of the arms and said, "Is this flesh, human flesh?" I was awoken abruptly by Steve whose arm I had hold of. He pushed my head and basically told me to get off. I could not believe what was going on and I felt totally shocked.
The following morning, he invited me to have tea with his aunt and uncle (I didn't understand his slight change of heart) who lived in Plymouth. We got in the car, arguing along the way about my family (I can remember telling him to get out of my head). Finally we arrived at his aunt's house where we had a meal. His relations seemed very nice people. That evening, we drove them to a local pub for a drink (we both had soft drinks as he was driving), and then dropped them off back home. Steve then began the drive back to the campsite. As we argued, which was commonplace by now on this holiday, Steve said that he was going to make a detour to which I just said that I really didn't care. He eventually pulls up outside a church and as I sat reclined in the passenger seat, he gets out of the car and by this time it must of been around 12.30 am. As I look through the driver's window, I could see Steve kneeling down beside a gravestone. All I can say is that I felt very unsure of my own safety because of all that was going on. Steve then ran over to the car and squatted down by the driver's door. He said," You know I'm psychic! Well I get my information from the man buried there. Something big is going to happen tonight and we've been told to get out of here." I just wondered what the hell he was going on about. He then gets back in the car and we drive off.
I laid back in the recliner (reclined passenger seat), frightened. After driving around for what seemed ages, it appeared we were lost. Steve told me to get out the ordnance survey map and, when I looked on the relevant page, the topography of the land did not match up with what we had on the map. Basically, the place we were at didn't seem to exist on the map. We stopped the car on a hill that overlooked a valley banked at both sides with steep hills. On my left (remember I'm sitting in the passenger seat) out of the window was a hedge about 7 feet tall and to the right of the car was a 3-foot hedge that sat on the edge of the drop into the valley. Visibility was good (Lateral visibility) even though a fine mist sat above us. A full moon allowed enough light to see about 2 miles in the distance. (Time about 1.30am.) Steve decides to get out of the car, which I didn't question as we weren't getting on. He stood looking down in the valley. I was getting more and more worried again. Suddenly he drops to his knees and starts chanting.
I was trying to work out how to drive the car off if anything else strange happened, trying to work out all the controls on the control panel in case I needed a quick getaway (I didn't know how to drive then).
(The noise I heard next was one of the loudest things I have ever heard, resembling feedback on an amp, but deeper like a sign wave with a low register).
I felt completely shocked at this bolt out of the blue so to speak, and the fear of the unknown was like nothing I have ever experienced before or since. What frightened me even more was Steve who was, by now, literally screaming. Just as suddenly as the sound appeared, it disappeared again. Steve sprung up and dived in to the driver's seat of the car. I asked him "What the **** was that?", and he just said "There here", and he kept repeating this over and over.
The complete fear that took over his face was terrifying. The sound then began over again and the car began shaking also. Down in the valley, and I'm sorry if it sounds clichéd, but a disc rose out of one of the patchwork fields. It was approximately 20 feet in diameter although I cannot be completely sure. Its surface shone a luminescent green, which consisted of a substance rather like molten rock. It wasn't static but seemed to be animated. On looking closely, I seemed to be able to focus on parts of it and then I, just as quickly, lost focus of it, as though it were solid and liquid at the same time. Then it simply disappeared into the ground.
We were left in complete silence. Steve attempted to start the car up but he was completely freaked out by what had just happened. The car wouldn't start at all. Then, to my horror, the disc came back out of the ground yet again and the sound followed. The craft moved from the right to the centre and then from the centre to the left and back again in a very controlled manner, floating just above the ground. It then made the same manoeuvre again, moving from the centre to the right, just like a bullet and with no inertia at all. From the right, it then moved to the left, again with no apparent acceleration or deceleration. After that manoeuvre, it started to rise up the hill we were perched on moving from one field to the next.
The sound increased as it came towards us. By this time it was about 3 fields away from us. Then the most incredible sight of the whole experience happened. Just as it began entering another field, 2 trees lay in its path, both of which were higher than the hedge that divided the fields. As the disc approached the trees, we watched as it passed through them as though the disc was made of a non-solid material. The trees were unharmed by this experience but both Steve and myself were mortified.
As the disc rose closer it went out of view for a minute but we both knew it was on its way up to us as a green light started to show through the hedge to our right which, in turn, threw light into the car. I'm not sure what Steve was doing at this point but I was fixed on the rear view mirror and it would be safe to say that I had never been so scared in my whole life.
The whole car had steamed up by this point and I could see the disc appear about 50 feet behind us on the road. I turned to Steve and could see only extreme anguish on his face. The car finally started and Steve engaged drive, thrashing the hell out of the car, the disc following us behind. Then it simply left the road and disappeared.
We drove what seemed to be a very short distance, then turned the corner and we were just outside the campsite. By this time it had started to get light and Steve stopped the car outside the site. It was amazing that we had lost so much time with such a short experience. Steve began to tell me things. After this point, I have to admit that things are slightly vague in my mind. He said that they had been visiting us for a long time and that some people call them aliens, some people call them demons, angels, leprechauns and some people call them little green men and he said that they would soon be making themselves known. He told me there was a god and when I asked them what do they want all he would tell me was that they were bad but, as I said before, I find this part of the story very difficult to remember. He also said that they give him the power of sight in return for something, which I can't quite remember. As it was getting lighter, we pulled into the campsite, dropped the tent, packed up and drove back out. As we were leaving, I couldn't see the opening where we had come out after our encounter. There was no offshoot road there at all.
I asked Steve as we got nearer to where he lived to drop me off at the train station. We didn't say much. We didn't have to- we just went our separate ways.
Since 1987 I haven't spoken or seen anything of Steve, and sometimes I wish we could of met up again but, on the other hand, I'm terrified of the whole thing starting up again. To this day I'm still frightened but I feel a strange readiness for the things to come.
Here is an image Mark White made to show what he saw.
hello I am Mark White would you like to add an image I made of the craft.in the late 90s I was interviewed by BUFORA about my experience and that UFO organisation come to their own conclusions that I was involved in an ABDUCTION EVENT I personally cannot say YES OR NO as I just DONT KNOW as it would be easy to jump on that popular bandwagon and I feel to be fair to people I can/must ONLYHIGHLIGHT what I DO KNOW as TRUTH IS SO SO IMPORTANT.
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