Jan 7, 2008

Regarding So-called "Alien Abductions"

I have been invited to write an article addressing the so-called "alien abduction" phenomenon, which is widely discussed to in certain circles.
After I had written the article below, I heard from Elaine Douglas, the editor at JAR (Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research), asking me to provide a fuller, more "detailed" article. My response was that, first, I needed to see actual evidence to support the claims that this phenomenon is proven to be extraterrestrial in nature and origin, as opposed to either done by (known or unknown) terrestrial parties, or that it is largely a form of mass hysteria, or a combination of both.

I waited an extraordinary amount of time without receiving any such evidence. This is all the more remarkable considering how promptly I received a critique from Ms. Douglas pointing out perceived weaknesses in my own research, references to the evidence, etc. Absent such verifiable evidence, if it even actually exists, the claims that the perpetrators are "aliens" cannot be supported and, at best, they must be considered as anecdotal. With that in mind, I direct you to my article below, which is pretty much as I originally submitted it.

I should add that Ms. Douglas had viewed my providing links to specific articles and information that I reference as some sort of avoidance and/or shifting of responsibility to the reader for work that I should have done.
In light of the rather significant failure of Ms. Douglas and PAR to provide me with the material that I requested, I neither need to provide any further information nor to spend any more time and energy in attempting to provoke people to do their own thinking.

Please note that I do not claim that the people who feel that they have suffered harm have not suffered it. I simply question the theory or premise that it originates with extraterrestrial beings.

by www.thesupernaturalworld.co.uk